Graduation Short Film
Cinematic trailer
Go Go Go Deals
Monsters Campaign
The Proud Shoppyland Mascotte
Struck By Karma
Cluster Promo
“ Alex is a talented and adaptable young filmmaker. Always willing to take a step further and deliver high quality content. Working with him is a blast. Tom HankinsColorbleed Animation Studio's
Alex is a talented and adaptable young filmmaker. Always willing to take a step further and deliver high quality content. Working with him is a blast.
“ Alex is a talented and professional videographer, who always put our needs above everything else. Amazing work ethic and end product. La Familiavideoclip
Alex is a talented and professional videographer, who always put our needs above everything else. Amazing work ethic and end product.
“ You are enthusiastic, professional and creative in what you do and who you are! Wedding coupleWedding film
You are enthusiastic, professional and creative in what you do and who you are!
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